Reporting Student Learning

During the school year, each child will receive three written reports and at least two informal reports. Formal Reporting periods are marked in the calendar. Informal reports may include conferences, telephone calls or a written interim report or student led conferences. Formal reports in the Primary grades are in the form of written comments, while in the grades 4 and 5, formal reports include written comments plus let­ter grades for the Humanities (Reading, Writing, Social Studies) and the Sciences (Math and Science).  All progress reports should tell the parent and the student:

  • what the student is able to do in relation to the learning outcomes
  • knowledge, skills  and attitudes of the prescribed curriculum
  • where further attention or development is required
  • ways in which learning can be supported at home and at school

An essential part of the reporting process is the parent/teacher con­ference. Parents are encouraged to make appointments to review their child’s progress at school, and to discuss or assist in planning for home support. Parent-Teacher-Student Conference times are noted in our school calendar.

Assessment and Evaluation

Teachers carry out most assessment, evaluation and reporting through events which occur in the classroom. Documenting student progress in relation to the expected learning outcomes for each subject requires teachers to gather information about student learning using a variety of methods:

  • observation of students, performances and learning processes
  • discussion and conferences with students
  • collection of samples of student work
  • teacher made tests
  • student reflection and self evaluation

Provincial Performance Scale

Teachers and students use the descriptors in the Performance Scale to indicate the student’s level of performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes set out in the provincial curriculum for each subject and grade. Student performance is described as one of the following:

  1. Not yet meeting expectations (not in Kindergarten)
  2. Approaching expectations
  3. Meeting expectations
  4. Exceeding expectations