School Health

Vision and Hearing Screening

Good vision and hearing is important for learning. All children in Kindergarten have their hearing and vision checked.  Children who have difficulty seeing letters on the eye chart will be referred to your optometrist or ophthalmologist. Slight hearing losses may not be noticed at home but can affect your children in school.  Those children who miss hearing all the beeps will be referred to the CHR audiology clinic for more discriminating testing. The purpose of this test is to detect hearing losses which may affect the child’s classroom learning.

Health Promotion

The nurse can assist in locating health resources for teachers and is also invited to par­ticipate in classes.

The nurse will assist with health promotion projects/activities of the school or the Parent Advisory Committee.

Emergencies and Medication

Children who have illnesses which may lead to urgent or life threatening episodes should be well known to the school.  The school needs to be sure all staff know what should be done if a crisis arises.  Please do not send medication to school (including over the counter drugs) until you have contacted our Public Health Nurse, at 519-5100.   If your child requires medication to be administered at school, you will need to fill in a medi­cal card available from the office and supply the medication in the original container.


If your child is anaphylactic, please insure that the school is notified.  At the beginning of the year, we review information, responsibilities, symptoms and emergency protocol by completing an Anaphylaxis Action Form.  Anaphylactic students are required to provide 2 epipens:  one is kept in the office and the other is kept with the child.


The school nurse is required to check the immunization status of all Kindergarten and Grade 1 students.  This means she will need to locate records of shots that your child has had.  School entry students are due for a booster of their Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus and polio. Kindergarten immunization can be completed at any public health unit.


Occasionally, teachers will ask the nurse to see students who may have health con­cerns.  Some examples are skin rashes, colour blindness, communicable diseases, and chronic illnesses. Parents can also contact the nurse at the CHR Health Office at 519-5100.