Student Placement

Process for the Upcoming School Year

After the annual staffing has been allotted to the school (early May) the Principal, in consultation with the staff, will develop a tentative school organization for the coming school year. We take into account the number of students at each grade level, class size and the needs of students.  Parents are reminded that the final decision and authority for pupil placement remains with the School Principal, as per the School Act.

Criteria considered by staff when placing students in classes: (not in priority order)

  • class size
  • input from parents *
  • the child’s needs in social, emotional, behavioural areas
  • child’s physical and social maturity
  • number of years the child has been with the teacher
  • age of the child within the class
  • child’s need for learning assistance or special education services
  • student friendships
  • student learning styles
  • student’s general developmental level
  • range of learning needs in the class
  • combined grade classes **

Parents who wish to have input for class placement in the upcoming year of are asked to send a letter or email ( to the Principal before May 15.  The letter should provide infor­mation about the child that will assist the staff in mak­ing an appropriate placement.  Please do not make requests for spe­cific teachers because school organization and teacher assignments change yearly.

Combined grade classes

Combined grade classes are created for a variety of reasons, including: the number of students at a certain grade level and other organizational, instructional or learning needs. With all class placements, we aim to create a range of skills, attitudes and knowledge within each class.